Rally navigation
Learning to navigate on road rallies is an art form in itself.
You will be given instructions to plot on a map, while trying to keep to a time schedule, write down route checks and also tell your driver where to go, all whilst on the move!
It can all sound quite daunting, however with a bit of practice and effort it can be very rewarding.
To help our new (and old!) members the club put on a training evening to help guide you through the basics of navigation.
You can download the pack:
There is an example of a time card:
All the plotting is to be done on Map 87
Please feel free to get in contact with us if you have any questions and we will be happy to help.
If you enjoyed learning about navigation why not pop along to one of our table top rallies? These are where you can put your navigation skill to the clock while sat in a pub with a pint.